Community Foundation To Launch New ‘All Abilities’ Project

The Hull FC Community Foundation has received funding from Sport England Return To Play Fund to provide weekly sessions for children with disabilities.

As part of the Community Foundation’s summer camps in recent weeks, community coaches have delivered a series of multi sport activities for people with disabilities.

To continue supporting local children with disabilities, the new ‘All Abilities’ project will provide weekly sports sessions at the Centre of Excellence.

For a decade, the Hull FC Community Foundation has delivered one of the most inclusive, ‘rugby inspired’, sport programmes in the City, offering accessible activities for people living with a disability to participate in sport and physical activity.

Whilst for adults, our physical disability, learning disability, and wheelchair rugby pathways provides a mix of social and competitive opportunities, for children and young people, our new multi-sport ‘All Abilities’ session will provide new access to regular participation which promote skill development, social connections, and positive wellbeing.

The primary aim of this new project is to support children and young people who live with a disability to re-access sport and physical activity sessions in a safe way, within full adherence of Covid-19 and sport specific guidelines.

The new project will get underway in September, although specific dates and times are to be confirmed.

In the meantime, should you require any further information, please email
