Welcoming Our College Students For 2021/22

The Hull FC Sports College welcomed back students for the 2021/22 academy year last week, as well as greeting its new first year students.

Many of the students were returning to the college having previously studied there last year, but for some it was their first taste of life with the Hull FC Sports College.

Over 90 students now attend the Hull FC Sports College, which offers a wide variety of courses for those interested in pursuing a career as a professional rugby player, physiotherapist, coach or even referee!

The first week included a day at the University of Hull, where students had the opportunity to train in world-class facilities.

The University of Hull are partners with Team GB, who recently returned from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics with an impressive medal haul of 65, including 22 golds.

With the opportunity to use the outstanding facilities that the university has to offer, students took part in three different activities throughout the day; a gym session, a speed and agility session in the sports hall and a field session which incorporated some skill-based games.

Strength & Conditioning Coach Kieran Smith said: “Hopefully the college students really enjoyed the experience of coming down to the University of Hull and using their world-class facilities.

“It’s great to have the students back after the summer break and already they seem very focused both in the classroom and in practical sessions.”

Interested in joining the Hull FC College for 2021/22?

There’s just a few days left to enrol for the current academic year, so don’t miss out!

Whether you’re interested in becoming a pro rugby player, sports coach, physiotherapist or strength and conditioner, Hull FC College has a team of experts across the entire sporting industry to assist you in achieving your dreams.

With the opportunity to learn, work and play as a part of the new Centre of Excellence, the balance between theory and practical activities is ideal for students to develop knowledge and experience within the sports industry.

For more information, click here, or to book your spot now, please email ryan.langton@hullfc.com
