Community Foundation Supporting Children In Need With Bespoke Project

The Hull FC Community Foundation is working with Hull Fostering to change people’s lives for the better through a bespoke programme called Brighter Futures.

Unfortunately, Kingston upon Hull is one of the most deprived local authorities in England, so Hull FC’s Community Foundation and Hull Fostering are working in collaboration through a specifically-designed three-year project to inspire young people aged 12-17 to achieve better life outcomes.

60 youngsters living in the care system will be given the opportunity to gain the skills, confidence and knowledge to be the best version of themselves.

Co-created by beneficiaries, proposed activities are inspired by the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’, aiming to support better wellbeing, social development, and employability outcomes.

‘Be Connected’: With a focus on tackling loneliness and creating new friendships, ‘Be Connected’ centres on a weekly two-hour ‘Youth Hub’ session entailing holistic activities led by the young people. From opportunities to be physically active and utilise equipment that supports gaming, arts and crafts, and music, to activities that promote life skills e.g. cooking and managing money and empower mental resilience, the intention is for the ‘Youth Hub’ to be the catalyst for the development of additional sessions based on the desires of participants.

‘Be Prepared’: Delivering needs-led activity that prepares participants for adulthood is a key priority. A weekly ‘skills for success’ offer delivered from University of Hull will encompass one-to-one and group learning opportunities delivered in partnership with local business volunteers. Focusing on young people in key stage four, personal development sessions will include providing support for homework, developing curriculum vitaes, accessing work experience opportunities, and understanding career options, with pathways available into accredited employability qualifications.

‘Be Active’: A weekly 90-minute session will fuse 45 minutes of physical activity chosen by the participants with a second half of activities which promote the development of life-skills focusing on problem solving, communication, decision-making, creative thinking, interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, empathy, stress management, and controlling emotions.

Lauren Sutton, Health & Wellbeing Officer at the Hull FC Community Foundation said: “This project is a really special one to work on because you see how it can change people’s lives in a positive way.”

“The project has gone from strength to strength, and over the course of time it has become increasingly popular, with more and more participants getting involved.

“We have a really good partnership with Hull Fostering. We work together positively to make sure we provide the best possible activities for our participants, who absolutely love coming together.”
