Foundations Unite For New Project Supporting Local Families

The Hull FC Community Foundation has joined forces with Hull KR’s Foundation and The Tigers Trust to deliver a new project supporting unemployed parents of children at local primary schools.

‘Families Learning Together’, a project supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Humber Learning Consortium, will see the Community Foundation to deliver a programme of sessions based around accessible work-readiness support and empowering unemployed parents with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to progress into sustainable employment.

Having recently launched the programme at Chiltern Primary School, participants have had a flavour of what to expect through the programme.

Not only will parents receive support to develop life skills alongside their children, they will also receive tailored employment and skills support in accessible community settings, and have the opportunity to participate in activities that inspire greater mental wellbeing.

At the recent introductory session at Chiltern Primary School, participants all took part in some fun multi-sports games. Everyone showed their competitive edge, with the winners taking home a signed Hull FC rugby ball.

James Price, Head of the Hull FC Community Foundation, said: “We are really delighted to be continuing our working partnership with Humber Learning Consortium, as we look to make a real impact for local parents.

“But we are not doing this alone, and to be uniting with The Tigers Trust and the Hull KR Foundation is a really significant moment for the city of Hull.

“In addition to the delivery of the sessions at Chiltern Primary School, we will also be delivering the sessions at a further five local primary schools.

“We’re really excited about this programme, because we feel it will really impact local parents who are unemployed.”

Once the twelve-week programme has drawn to a close, all participants will be invited to the MKM Stadium to watch a Hull FC match, whilst also being treated to a tour of the stadium.

Sessions take place at Chiltern Primary Schools on Wednesday afternoons (1-3pm).
