Primary Schools

We know that physical activity habits formed during childhood are a key predictor of how active we’ll be as adults. Therefore, it is essential we work with children from an early age to provide them with opportunities to experience sport and physical activity in a positive way, setting them up for a longer, healthier life.

We are also keen to pass on our knowledge and experience to others through our CPD programmes, empowering teachers to inspire young people to be active through physical education.

Our schools programme has been developed to deliver high quality sessions in schools, as well as out-of-school opportunities for children to engage in extra activities. We provide schools with a comprehensive programme designed to complement and reinforce existing PE sessions based on developing physical literacy.

Through the motivational and inspirational power of sport, in particular Rugby League, we aim to help young people improve their academic ability, build self-esteem, encourage healthy lifestyles and ultimately enhance every pupils’ employability attributes.

School Sports Partnership

Our primary school provision is designed to appeal to and benefit children from year 1 to year 6. Using age appropriate resources, our programmes are mapped to the national curriculum to ensure children are receiving vital education about leading a healthy, active life.

We aim to stimulate and develop children to engage in individual and team activities for a sustained period of time.

Our highly qualified team are dedicated to planning and delivering high class and impactful physical activities, competitions and workshops, which are reviewed regularly with input and feedback from teachers.

In addition to physical education, we offer a broad range of interventions which use the power of the brand to teach children important messages around how to be a positive member of society. These include; Maths, English and PSHE workshops, assemblies, and social action projects to help children gain valuable life experience.

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PE & Extra Curricular Clubs

The Community Sports Foundation can help your school extend its provision by offering a variety of extra-curricular activities to suit the needs of your school and, more importantly, its pupils.

After-School Clubs
The sessions run for an hour after school and can be booked and secured for the entire academic year with options to change the delivery topic for every half-term block.

Breakfast Clubs
Our clubs provide an ideal opportunity for children to develop skills, engage in physical activity and broaden their experiences whilst making friends and, most importantly, having fun.

Extra-Curricular Clubs can be paid through the school, or we offer a Parent Pay Club that would require a minimum number of pupils.

Additional Benefits

Magic Moments – Giving children at the school access to a behind the scenes experience on a Hull FC matchday, including getting on the field and becoming our official flag wavers before the game and before the players enter the field.

Training Ground Visit – A select group of children will be given the chance to attend the Hull FC Elite Performance Centre and meet all the players and coaching staff, as well as watching them train and completing their own session too.

Player Visits – Hull FC Players will visit the Primary School and interact with every class, going through in detail the important of schoolwork and sport too.

Black & White Takeover Day – Hull FC Foundation coaches will come into the school and takeover the school, with every class taking part in their own Rugby League session, as part of a Hull FC takeover experience.

Season Passes – As part of the partnership, the Primary School will receive one adult and one junior season pass, which covers all Hull FC home games. This can be used to help with rewarding attendance and behaviour within school.
