Community Foundation Continues Veterans Support With New Project

Hull FC Community Foundation’s relationship with the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust continues to bloom, with the introduction of a brand-new project that seeks to help more veterans gain employment.

‘Set of Six’ is a progressive employability pathway focused on empowering older veterans (aged 50+) and their families with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to re-enter the workforce.

Developed in collaboration with local partners, the project comprises accredited qualifications, bespoke life skill support, work placements, and targeted one-to-one support.

‘Set of Six’ is underpinned by supporting older veterans to have access to the qualification of their choice in the right place and at the right time, whilst providing a strong wrap-around holistic offer that promotes mental resilience and formation of aspirations.

Internally, Hull FC’s Community Foundation will offer a suite of qualifications accredited by NCFE including functional skills, employability, customer services, retail, and coaching sport, fusing these with non-accredited provision that equips beneficiaries with greater independence, self-efficacy, and coping skills including cooking, personal hygiene, managing money, digital skills, and time management.

The Community Foundation has a solid track-record of working with local veterans within the last five years, with almost 20 unemployed veterans completing a sports leadership qualification, before going on to provide 200 volunteering hours in return.

In addition, 82% of participants reported that their confidence and self-esteem had been given a boost. Meanwhile, 63% of participants progressed into further learning or employment.

As a result of additional funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, the Community Foundation’s ‘Set of Six’ project will contribute to the Government’s Veterans’ Strategy Action Plan ambition which identifies that stable long-term employment opportunities after service are the foundation of positive life outcomes for veterans.

Funding for the project comes from the Office for Veterans’ Affairs, and the overarching programme is called ‘The Veterans’ Career Development Fund’. You can find out more about this here.

Head of the Hull FC Community Foundation, James Price, said: “On behalf of the Hull FC Community Foundation, I would like to share our delight in Set of Six being awarded grant support through the Veterans’ Career Development Fund.

“The Foundation has a long track record of delivering successful engagement programmes for the armed forces and veteran community, as well as delivering employability and skills provision for local residents.

He added: “We very much look forward to bringing these two work areas together through Set of Six, empowering our beneficiaries with the practical skills and personal attributes to progress in work.”
